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Website Construction

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:35 am
by bigcfk
I know how I would like a website to be built, but I don't have the finesse to build it well. I've only taken introductory Dreamweaver courses, which likely won't fly. Now I'm looking into building a wordpress template, but I think I might be better off building something outside of wordpress.
Granted, its a basic website layout & idea. But I do want to be able to simply add a new entries, and have them appear in a few different locations within the site.

I have a domain name, and a place to host it, now I just need to build the website. The person who was originally going to build it is now under a lot of stress, so I don't want to bear down on him and have him make it.

Where's the best place to start?
Is fiddling with wordpress worth my time? Or will building a template ultimately frustrate the shit out of me?


Re: Website Construction

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:04 am
by PhaseDMA
PHP Include can make a massive n00b like me look so much more informed then I am.

But really that's not the answer.

If you find the right theme that can do wonders between pages and normal blog posts.

Re: Website Construction

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:22 pm
by plasma2002
From personal experience, I can tell you that coding to integrate into something else will always be a little clumsy compared to doing it your way from the start.

I had this same issue when I wanted a quick place to host my projects... I ended up going with designing my own site from scratch. It looks a lot more basic than a wordpress site will, but I have total control over how things get displayed and it's still easy to just drop in updates and whatnot. and the project pages inside it are all simple pages I put together with basic styles. I was intending to have more importance put on the content than the actual style. Hell, there have been a few people who came right out and said it was "the worst website they have ever seen"... i think that might have been a little over-reacting, but hey... whatever. I'm glad im not trying to work around wordpress.